Our People

Our People


GCNI Faculty

GCNI Office

  • Admin

    Ms. Aggie LAW
    Executive Officer & Assistant to Director

  • Research & Admin
    Research & Admin
    Research & Admin

    Dr. Fei PENG
    Research Associate & Project Manager

  • Research

    Dr. Takahiro SHIMIZU
    Research Associate

Executive Members

  • Steering Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • External Advisory Committee
  • Members to be confirmed.


GCNI Research Faculty

General Member
CUHK Faculty from all disciplines who have an interest in the field of neuroscience can join us as General Members. They would receive timely invitations to our seminars and events.

Associate Member
Associate Members enjoy access to the Institute’s advanced equipment and facilities located in the GCNI Core Laboratories, both for their own neuroscience research and/or projects with our Research Faculty. Associate Members are also encouraged to “mentor” our Research Faculty and provide guidance on their research projects, etc.. Associate Members should be:

  • a CUHK full time staff; and
  • assistant professor or above; and
  • working in research fields related to neuroscience.


*Applications would be reviewed by the Institute Director and Executive committee.

Membership Application

List of Associate Members

Members to be confirmed.